Sunday, May 16, 2010

What if I get 100 emails?

What will you do if you get so many visitors who want to ask you questions that you start getting 100's of emails?

Firstly you will need to think again about planning your web presence wisely. Ensuring that your site is very easy to get around and that it gives clear and helpful information will remove one of the common reasons that people send emails from web sites - they can't find what they want in a short time so they just send and email to ask it.

Having a FAQ on your site that you constantly build up from emails that ask questions will help you to answer questions directly from the site in a way that most people find easy to use. Make sure the FAQ is highly visible from everywhere on the site so that people know it is there as they will often check that early in their visit.

Secondly you need to think about who will be checking for emails from your web site and how often it will be done.

The best practice is to use a dedicated email address for the site and set aside blocks of time for checking it, rather than allowing the flow of the work day to be constantly disrupted by emails trickling in.
A routine such as 10 minutes each morning and in the last half hour of the day could be considered, but it will depend on the individual existing routine.

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